Saturday, December 17, 2011

final paint


colour bg

final painting, the accumulation of all iv learned this semester ,my concept was to have an innocent ggirl who looks towards a better day traped in a shitty place
bg in colour not much to say on this one i kinda powered thought it and learn alot of cheap tricks
for this assignment we had to paint a vehicle i really challeged myself by do a train ,perspective was a big thing in this one so it toke a me a while to figure every thing out before i actually started painting.
this was the monster assignment i wanted to do something slimy so i did a frog i didnt get to do all the ooze and shit but meh it was still and interesting assignment
this was out first assgnment in colour ,i decided to play up the drama and do a soap opera type thing my knowlede of anatomy was put to the test with this on.
we were given a black and white line art to light not the most interesting assignment meh.

Monday, October 10, 2011

so not the drama

assignment for digital painting definatly a mile stone for me in terms of my painting

may nu

my character for character design i will eventually be making a sculpture of her

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

w.i.p 2

had a  few set backs so this is only as far as i got.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

year book submission WIP

really didnt like my final product last time i did this assigment so i decided to do it again with a fresh slate .the character is nowhere near fully designed planing to alter her outfit alot just need to get enough info do i could make her skeleton which revealed a few errors in my drawing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

thinking of doing an oc tournament on deviant art this summer so I've been try to develop these characters.basically its a little emo girl who has who has a a spirit bound to her.